Support and Donate
Your support is incredibly valuable to us and whether you support us financially or just by spreading the word of what we do, we are very thankful.
Our mission is to support those who are in contact with the Justice System to make a positive difference to their lives.
As a not-for-profit social impact enterprise we aim to use every penny wisely and for the benefit of those that we work with. However, we do have some expenses but we try to keep them a low as possible so that all surplus funds can be redirected to help more people.
By supporting us, you are making an active difference to help us deliver our mission and improve the lives of those that we work with. Your financial gift will allow us to reach more people with our expertise and therapeutic skills to help individuals process and reduce trauma, anxiety and stress ensuring that they will then be able to make positive changes to their lives. Your gift will also help us to raise awareness of trauma, toxic stress and adverse childhood experiences (ACE's) and how it impacts the lives of those who are in contact the Justice system. We believe that awareness and education is key to breaking
negative behaviour cycles.
thank you for helping us make a difference!
Donating is easy - just scan the QR code or click on the link below which will take you to our secure payment portal. Our payment portal is run by